We Take Literally Thousands Of Pictures

Achievement: #67. Take 2000 Pictures

Oh. Well, hello there, readers out in… readerland. Did you think we’d forgotten about you?

Of course not! We just… got rather tied up in those Matters of Consequence we like to pretend don’t exist. Tied up for weeks, unfortunately.

But never fear, we are back, and we are in that lovely time of year when we realize just how many things we have set out to accomplish and haven’t done yet! (And while I have done an extensive list of what remains, I have not allowed myself to total up how many Achievements are complete, partially complete, and not-even-close-to-complete-what-were-you-thinking-last-December. I’m trying not to panic here!)

Fortunately, we have a number of Achievements that we’ve actually completed, but haven’t written entries about, so those will be coming soon. (NaNoWriMo is just around the bend, and I’m always looking for some good procrastination excuses!)

One of the Achievements we managed to accomplish in the past few weeks was our goal of taking at least 2000 photos this year. I did some elaborate math today (seriously, this took me longer than it ever should have), and I came up with a grand total to this point of somewhere in the 2060s.

To give you an idea of statistics, we took 300 pictures on our trip to California in March. The photo folder on my desktop with the least amount of pictures is from the NKOTBSB concert, where we took 27 pictures. We took 139 pictures in Atlantic City, and 160 in Canada.

2000 Pictures
The first picture of the year was this: me, with a brownie, on First Night.

2000 Pictures
The most recently-taken picture is this: Lucy, in a very small round ball, last night.

And the 2000th picture was….

2000 Pictures
Michael, at my birthday karaoke party, singing “Roxanne” by the Police, which he didn’t know I had signed him up to sing.

By the way, that entry is coming. There are a lot of entries coming! So, stay tuned, and I will keep you updated on what we’ve been doing (and what we will be doing shortly). Thanks for sticking around through our madness, readers!

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Filed under #67, #67-11, karaoke, lucy, photos

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